New Philadelphia, OH: Corvettes to star in annual show

 Downtown New Philadelphia will be filled with cars Sept. 8 when the New Philadelphia Business and Community Association joins with the Classic Glass Corvette Club to present the Classic Glass Corvette Club Car Show,

Registration for the show will be conducted from 5 to 7 p.m. on the square,

This is a judged show, and awards will be given after the judging is complete. Awards will include a Best of Show, five Diamond awards and 20 Gold awards.

Entertainment during the show will feature DJ Spikeman and the Texas Roadhouse Line Dancers. Food vendors also will be available.

Staff members from the Tuscarawas County Public Library in New Philadelphia will be on hand from 5 to

8 p.m. to assist car enthusiasts in connecting with the Chilton Auto Repair database. This database will allow library card holders to access extensive auto repair information from their home computer. This is the first time the library has partnered with the car show.

Proceeds from the sale of prize tickets will benefit the New Philadelphia Business and Community Association’s efforts to develop businesses in downtown New Philadelphia.

For more information call 330-364-1930, 330-364-3483 or the New Philadelphia Business and Community Association at 330-602-1419 or email

New Philadelphia Business and Community Association

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