220 mph Plug-In Vette & Twin-Turbo C8 Motor

Last Thursday I sent you news about the future of autonomous Corvettes. This included an interview with Corvette Chief Engineer Tadge Juechter. We forgot to give credit to the hard work of GM Authority in getting this interview. You can see their full story here.

Want a 220 mph Plug-In Vette?
Well, Genovation Cars is about to show one off at the CES trade show in Las Vegas. It is based off the C7 Grand Sport and has a range of about 130 miles and can achieve speeds over 220 mph. It comes with twin electric motors that can deliver 800 horsepower and 700 pound-feet of torque. The car can also jump from a standstill to 60 mph within three seconds. You can see a video of this car here.

Well, GM has accidently released a cad drawing of one of the motors for the new C8 Mid-Engine Corvette. The Cad images, posted to Twitter by user Michael Accardi, show a twin-turbocharged V-8 design. You can clearly see one of the turbochargers nestled near the bottom and to the right of the engine. The user also claimed the engine code is LT7 and features dual-overhead cams.

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